Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Rogue at Last

Here she is, bathing...

(Don't worry, she's not modest)

And relaxing...

(And I don't know how I'm going to use the bathroom for the next 24 hours)

And a closeup of my highly technical method for getting the edges to stay flat...

Its time for a knitting confession - I have never blocked before! I have no idea what I'm doing. So I just threw it in the tub, soaked for about 20 minutes, and laid it flat (more or less) on some towels. More pics to follow once she dries and gets sewn up.


Ashley said...

Blocking? So overrated, if you ask me. Hopefully the Cascade is going faster but it took my rogue about 3 days before it was really dry all the way through. Next time I'm going with steam blocking.

carrie said...

oh my goodness, that looks JUST like my attempts at blocking. i had to tiptoe just to pee for several days! and drip dry in the shower. (i also don't know what i'm doing when it comes to blocking.)

Veronique said...

Blocking has worked miracles for me! No more uneven stitches, no more misshapen lump of knitting, the wool blooms... (Too bad wet wool smells awful). My trick was to buy one of these:

Rogue is looking great! Have fun seaming.

Brooklyn Handspun said...

Hmm the only blocking I do is when I overspin yarn and it needs to be straightened out...other than that all garments are on their own - I figure one day I'll be in a rainshower and can block it while wearing Can't wait to see rogue all done up.

Anonymous said...

Your method of tacking the edges down so they'll lay flat is very similar to mine, except that I tend to use 2 Gatorade bottles. Ha ha!