Monday, March 05, 2007

And the Winner Is...

Courtney from Yarn Tootin'! Courtney, just email me at holdtheraisins[at]yahoo[dot]com so that I can figure out how to get you your spinnerific prize. Thank you all SO MUCH for the name ideas - there are some really great choices in the comments and I bet we'll end up picking one. As I mentioned in the last entry, we're not going to finalize the name until we meet our baby in person in 7 weeks or so. I'll reveal our selection then!


Anonymous said...

Is that a Shedir you're pulling the name from? That made me smile. Good luck on picking a name and happy baby to you!

mames said...

thanks for the comments/congrats over at my post. the whole 7 week countdown is kinda' crazy, so close yet so far at times. we have names but decided to wait until meeting the beans to assign'em. but each day i feel their personalities getting stronger, more present. having two in there gives me the realization how different each one is...anyway, i'll come around to see how you are doing as our times progresses. yay for baby boys!!!!

schrodinger said...

I love that you are picking names out of your shedir - that's great!