And that old kool-aid dyed pink sock, I'm working on that too. Fortunately it’s the second of the pair, because I'm totally starting to hate it.
Remember way back there a few posts ago I was all bold with listing my projects and promising FOs and whatnot? What happened to that girl? I finished one neckwarmer and then nothing.
I have good excuses - life got totally crazy on me. I mean WAY more than the normal Christmas crazy. I had to buy a whole special notebook for all the to do lists! But still, it's pathetic that I haven't seamed up that Rogue, and there are two other sweaters out there just waiting for sleeves and necks. SO, I am promising, here on this blog, that I will have a special new finished object by Monday, and it wont be that lame pair of pink socks.
To distract us all in the meantime, here is a photo (oooh, naughty, taken in my office) of a Kimono Shawl in progress.
I'm using Jade Sapphire Cashmere Silk and although it is a pain in the ass to wind, and waaay expensive, it is the softest thing I've ever knit. By the way, Monday's FO will definitely NOT be this shawl.
I covet that shawl. Seriously.
I think you get a free pass on finishing knitted things when you have christmas chaos and wedding chaos all happening in the space of a month. really, anyone who expects anything from you at this point is being unreasonable.
Or if you dropped all those bells on the floor of the subway car? (grin)
The shawl really does look beautiful!
i love that shawl.. i'm beginning to think that i should try it :)
I can attest to the softness of that cashmere/silk... absolutely luscious! It was good knitting with you on Friday!
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